Mastery in Financial Statement Analysis
Analyze Income Statement & Balance Sheet by using various techniques like CommonSize, Trend, Ratio & Unit Analysis
1 Basics of Financial Statements
FREE PREVIEW2. Standalone vs Consolidated Statements
3 Decoding Income Statement
4 Decoding Balance Sheet
5 Fixed Assets & Depreciation
6 Current Maturities of Long Term Borrowings
7 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis Techniques
FREE PREVIEW8 Common Size & Trend Analysis
Ratio Analysis - Profitability Ratios
10 Ratio Analysis - Leverage & Coverage Ratios
11 Ratio Analysis - Liquidity & Turnover Ratios
12 Ratio Analysis - Return & Shareholders Ratios
13 Unit Analysis
✔ Financial Statement Analysis (Indian Accounting Standard)
Financial Statement Analysis (FSA) is the base for any finance decision and the quality of analysis will determine the quality of decision making. Hence a strong understanding of FSA is the most basic requirement for any core finance jobs.
ForeVision FSA course provides a very comprehensive understanding of Income Statement, Balance Sheet and various techniques used for FSA. It also dwells into understanding operational performance and unit analysis.
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