Learn How Scalp Trading Works

For ₹2360 ₹3999

G. Bharadwaj is a Scalper and he only trades the 100 most active stocks at any point in time.

What You Will Learn in this Scalp Trading Course

✅ Basics of Scalping

✅ Learn How To Select Stocks For Scalping

✅ Learn How To Import Stock Data of any date To Google Spreadsheet

✅ Learn How To Find The Direction Of the Market

✅ Learn How To Control Your Emotions Once You're Entry Is Triggered

✅ Best Time Frame For Trading

✅ Learn At What Time You Should Enter & Exit Into The Market

✅ Learn How To Do Scalping In Banking

✅ Live Trading Examples

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How to Enroll in this Course

  • Step 1 . Enroll Yourself

    Enroll Yourself Using your Email ID or Gmail and Select This Course From The List

  • Step 2 . Learn All Topics

    Complete All the Interesting & Informative Topics Curated by Convey

  • Step 2 . Learn All Topics

    Complete All the Interesting & Informative Topics Curated by Convey

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Know Your Instuctor

Hi ! I’m G. Bharadwaj from LearnApp

Bharadwaj is an experienced trader and started his journey in 2001. Bharadwaj is a scalper and he only trades the 100 most active stocks at any point in time. He looks for stocks that tend to move in tandem with the indices, either up or down, and trades them. Bharadwaj has also been a consistent winner of the Zerodha 60-day challenge.

Benefits of Taking this Course

  • 1 . How Scalping Works

    Learn how scalping works and get to know how to scalp trading secrets

  • 2 . Selecting Stocks & Sectors

    Learn how to select stocks and active sectors for scalping

  • 3 . Learn Best Strategy

    Understand how the strategy works with the help of examples

  • 4 . Building Trading Factors

    Develop the trading psychology and discipline required

  • 5 . Live Trades & Money Management

    You'll put what we have learnt into action and see the trades LIVE

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Add the certificate to your CV or your Resume or post it directly on LInkedin. You can even post it on instagram and twitter.

✔ Enhances Credibility Use your certificate to enhance your professional credibility and stand out among your peers!

What People Say About Scalp Trading Course

Best Scalp Trading Course from G. Bharadwaj

Vivek Yadav

This Scalp Trading Course has helped me a lot in learning more about the strategies of scalping from the best instructor G Bharadwaj

Very Good and Informative Scalp Trading Course

Jatin Shah

This Scalp Trading course was great for filling any gaps in my understanding of short-term trading and technical analysis. The instructor G Bharadwaj was helpful as well and I look forward to taking other trading courses presented by Koppr

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What Is Forex Scalping?

    Forex scalping is a trading style used by forex traders. It involves buying or selling a currency pair and then holding it for a short period of time in an attempt to make a profit. A forex scalper looks to make a large number of trades, taking advantage of the small price movements that are common throughout the day.

  • Is Stock Scalping Illegal?

    Stock scalping is a legal trading strategy. It is used by both retail and institutional investors.

  • What Is Forex Scalping?

    Yes, you can make money scalping stocks. Although scalping sacrifices the size of winning trades, it massively increases the ratio of winning trades to losing ones. However, some traders prefer different strategies that allow them to partake in bigger wins. With scalping, traders take lots of small wins quickly in order to minimize risk, which means that in pursuit of small wins, they may miss out on bigger wins

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